How to Get Your Writing Done in an Uncertain World (Part 3)

Image of woman working on her laptop outside

Today, I want to give you a question to ask yourself that will make you more able to cope with uncertainty and strengthen your resilience.

Choose what makes you stronger

I’m sure you’ve noticed that plenty of adults have questionable coping skills. We tend to turn to things that will make us feel better in the moment even if it will make us weaker in the long run.

So, as you are making decisions in reaction to a stormy world, I want you to get in the habit of asking the question, “Will this make me weaker or stronger?”

What would make you stronger right now? A nap? An early bedtime, a big glass of water? A coaching session? A hug?

When you catch yourself doing something that's ultimately going to make you weaker, just pause, and with all the understanding in the world say to yourself “Oh, yes, I totally see why you wanna buy that thing/eat that thing/drink that thing.”

And remind yourself that it is not truly going to help. Sometimes you just have to sit with the pain.

Dealing with painful feelings on the regular is the best way to ensure they don’t hang around and nibble on your ass for years to come.

Right now to try and get writers some relief and use all my new coaching tools, I’m offering 20-minute mindset sessions at a significant discount off my usual hourly rate. If you need some quick help managing your mind or processing your feelings, book a 20-minute session.


How to Build the Marketing Habit


How to Get Your Writing Done in an Uncertain World (Part 2)