Coaching Call Packages


Get clarity on your marketing strategy and know exactly what steps to take by booking regular calls with book marketing and mindset coach Sue Campbell.

Regular check-ins allow you to take the guess work out of implementing your marketing strategy and provide accountability so you’ll actually take the steps to get your book out into the world.

What clients SaY

“Sue: you are a bloody genius. I no longer need an agent to hold my hand and mentor me because I’ve got YOU. You get me. And you challenge me to boldness. It’s thrilling to work with you.”

— Neroli Lacey, author of The Perfumer’s Secret

“After several months of dealing with internet tech stuff, I was seriously off track with my writing, and I hadn’t even begun to promote the books I’d just published. Sue re-energized me and helped me organize my work so that I’m leaping ahead on the several projects I care about. I highly recommend this course.”

— Laurel Standley, author

“I was making my world so small because I was always giving away my power. I was able to rewire my brain to retake control over what’s really important to me.”

— Sarah McKee, writer

“Thanks to Sue for taking the mystery out of learning how to promote my books, and standing beside me, reminding me to get out of my own way. Empathy and expertise combined in Goal Getter School are a powerful combination.”

— Kristina Bak, author of Nowever

“Sue is brilliant, focused, compassionate, and joyful — all the ingredients one needs when trying to figure out how the heck to write/edit/publish/market one’s book. Sue has created an environment of kindness and support. working with sue has changed the way I view myself, my habits, and my life. I’m deeply grateful for Sue’s expertise and would encourage anyone who needs help with a project they are working on, no matter where you are in the process of writing, to reach out to her.”

— Anandamayi Baker, author of Bee-Coming Strong

Absolutely professional. Approachable, authentic, and fun. Making the world a better place. Wait, what? How can book marketing make the world a better place? Sue believes it can and now I understand why. As authors, we often doubt ourselves, but Sue challenges us to believe the world needs our books.

— L.L. Rose, author

I was able to give myself permission to honor my ‘why’ and what drives me to write. I was able to sit down and push everything else aside and focus on what is driving me for my writing.”

— Lori Howard, writer

“You’ve given me a blueprint, a template, that I can now make my own in terms of goal getting that I didn’t have before.”

— Kathryn Brown Ramsperger, author of A Thousand Flying Things

“I’d been struggling to find the motivation and organisation needed to revise a messy draft #1 for almost a year. With Sue’s guidance and support, I managed to complete the full draft #2 of my first novel, in just three months! This was a total game-changer.”

— Claire Guérin, writer

“The 1:1 conversations with Sue have been really helpful because they often guide me to looking at my stuck places slightly differently so that I can move on.”

— Joy Overstreet, author of The Cherry Pie Paradox

Sue is a cheerleader in the best sense of the word, and she always stays current with the newest twists and turns in the world of guerrilla marketing. When facing something as intimidating as selling your book in an infinitely crowded marketplace, there’s no one better to have on your team than Sue Campbell. I recommend her highly.

— Laura Davis, co-author of The Courage to Heal

Sue isn’t just a coach, she’s a creative and knowledgeable book marketing expert who guides you to grow your author presence while empowering you through any mindset roadblocks that arise. I joined Sue’s group coaching knowing nothing about book marketing or even where to begin. Through her unique, supportive, and informative environment I crafted a reader magnet that was completely on brand and exponentially grew my subscriber list in a short amount of time. Her weekly coaching calls kick off with a specific book marketing topic, which means I continued to learn something new every single call. I have loved every minute of working with Sue and know you will, too!

— Courtney Harrell, author